About Kam

Hi, it's me - I'm Kam!

Professional Qualifications

  • Elon University (May 2019): BS, Biology
  • Division I Collegiate Student-Athlete
  • AFPA Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant (May 2021)
  • Recertified May 2023
  • Prior experience as a Nutrition Coach, trained in holistic wellness coaching
Fun Facts
  • I married my husband in Gatlinburg, Tennessee
  • I am a Mama to two amazing little boys, a beagle, and 3 cats
  • My first job after college was a zookeeper. I worked with animals like lions, tigers, wolves, and my favorite - binturongs!
  • I have a massive collection of giant panda items
  • I am extremely passionate about homegrown, sustainable living - currently on a journey to minimize processed foods in my home by learning to grow and produce as much of our own as possible!

My Story


I started playing sports competitively at the ripe age of 4 years old, and I never stopped. Starting in middle school, my focus shifted sharply to volleyball, and I travelled around the country competing nationally through high school graduation. This earned me a full scholarship to play Division I volleyball at Elon University, were I graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Neuroscience. 

Losing Myself

When my collegiate volleyball career ended, I suffered an identity crisis like I never thought possible. I was no longer an athlete, and surprisingly, I found myself lacking the tools necessary to thrive after college graduation. You see, my entire life I always had coaches and trainers telling me exactly what to do, where to be, and when to be there. Their directions dictated EVERYTHING about my life - from my fitness to my eating habits to my sleeping schedule. So when I lost that direction, I felt like I lost myself.

Diet Trials

Within 2 months of my last volleyball game, I gained 20 pounds. I had no idea what I was doing, being in control of my own life. I was stressed, depressed, and couldn't recognize myself in the mirror anymore. I knew I needed to make a change in my lifestyle, but I didn't know how. So just like everyone else, I turned to the internet. It started with diets - first Keto, then the military diet, then flexible dieting and macro tracking, then carb cycling...you name it, I tried it. And guess what? They all worked - for about a month each. They would work, I would get bored, and I would fall off the wagon. On to the next thing. 

Fitness Trials

I bought an Instagram fitness model's workout program, then I hired another one as an online personal trainer, then I hired an in-person personal trainer, then I tried all the apps. But absolutely nothing I did made my results stick. Two years later, enough was enough. It was my time to take control. I was tired of waiting around for other people to tell me what to do without thinking about WHY I was doing it. 

Getting Certified

In 2020, I joined a certification program with the sole intent to learn how to manage my own health and wellness. I learned so much about nutrition and holistic health that I had never known before. In 2021, I graduated my program and officially became a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant.

Nutrition Coaching

Now with all of this knowledge, I knew I could really help others. I accepted a position at a small local gym as a Nutrition Coach, where I completed an additional onboarding training in holistic wellness coaching. As a Nutrition Coach, I was made to stick to a very strict coaching program, where all of my clients went through the same process to meet weight loss goals. It didn't take long for me to realize that this sort of coaching wasn't going to get my clients the results they wanted.

Starting Healthype Habits

At the end of 2021, with two years of personal experimentation, as well as my certification training and coaching experience under my belt, I started Healthype Habits as a means of meeting my clients where they are to help them achieve the results they desire. No two people have the same exact starting point, goals, or lifestyle requirements - so why do other Nutrition and Wellness programs try to treat them the same way?  Lasting results require an individualized approach, not cookie-cutter workout regimens and diet plans. 

How I Can Help You

So if YOU feel like you've tried every diet and workout in the book and still aren't getting results, or you are just getting started and want to skip the wasted time and headaches, click the link in the top right of this page to schedule a Free Consultation today and let me show you how simple it can be to live a happy, healthy lifestyle - one step at a time :)

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